Oregon State University

CS 391H: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science

Oregon State University, College of Engineering

Welcome to Class!

This textbook will undergo changes before the first day of class. Refresh each page before you read it. All due dates and points are listed on the Canvas Modules tab and are subject to change.

Ms. Pam Van Londen

Hello, Everyone!

Welcome to the Honors section of the Computer Science department's ethics course. You can refer to me as Pam.

For nearly 20 years, I have contributed to the missions of the EECS, Ecampus, and Women Studies programs at OSU through teaching, creative activity, and service. My experiences working with Apple partners, technical writing and internationalization teams for HP and Microsoft, and regional small/medium organizations and businesses have prepared me to be a well-rounded and innovative course developer, textbook writer, and educator. The improvement of my teaching and of student learning is always on my mind and is usually the topic of conversation among my peers and family (most of us are teachers). I use the best techniques to reach the majority of students online and on-campus.

Check in with me via the Canvas Inbox if you need assistance.

I am honored to be working with you this term and look forward to expanding your foundation. Let's have a great term!